Tuesday 27 May 2008

The defining moment

There is no easier way to make fun of yourself than to post something foolish in your blog. That is what I am going to do by posting this piece which I wrote couple of years back, and which happened even earlier.

The memory of this particular event is still fresh in my mind. The year was 1993. I was in seventh standard.

Back then I was this happy-go-lucky lad who would delay anything (including studies for exams) to the last minute. Although I wouldn’t claim I have changed my attitude much, but times were different then. I, usually, used to study only the last day for any exams. I know it’s not the kind of secret you would want to share with people at this stage of your life. People normally do this when they become successful, which by any standard I am not.

Anyway, I was under the impression that the physics exam was on the day next to the actual day (I realized that later), so I didn’t study anything, having a strong confidence in my night-out-before-examination strategy. I only knew the things that had been taught in the classroom, as I was a good listener even then...Just kidding.

On the examination morning, a certain twist of fate happened (that has forced me to believe in destiny sometime) and I saw some students going to the school (it helped to live near the school). It was enough to put me in doubt. I rechecked my time table and realized the blunder I have made in exam dates. I got frightened thinking I will definitely get failed. Only those who have experienced something similar can understand how I must have felt. However, I recollected myself, told about this to my parents ...they had a lot of faith in me that’s why they never checked my exam schedule…that was end of it... and studied whatever I could in those 30 min. or so, and gave the exam.

My father on his own level tried to persuade my physics teacher through his friend (who was friends to my physics teacher), knowing very well that it is very important for me to pass this exam if he wants to keep my morale high. He also knew that I wasn’t a bad student, but a little careless. I didn’t know what happened behind the curtains, but I managed to clear that exam (on my own as told by my physics teacher later) albeit with minimum passing marks.

But, I was very happy and relieved, and thanked that hidden power who got me up early in the morning and forced to go to my house’s rooftop and stare at the road going towards my school, and made me see students (in uniform) to put me in doubt about the exam date. The probability of this sequence of actions happening in my life is zero. Mathematically, I should have missed my physics exam.

In retrospect when I think about this incident I feel foolish, but also a tad bit of proud, having cleared “the physics exam” with only 30 min. of study. That was then. Later, when I really got to know studies, physics became fun.

Whenever I think about this incident, I get a feeling that this may well be the defining moment of my life. If I would have flunked that exam, I wouldn't be doing any research.

Alas! That didn't happen.


Ankur Khare said...

That was brave . I must say that was brave to put that up in the blog. Ashraf as I know wudnt have done this. As your true story puts more than one in the dock.

Funny as well ...and if its not true then even well thought out as well. Though its too good to be thought out by a human..so i believe its true..

Ashraf said...

what a thoughtful comment...thanks anyway

Elitecoder said...

Well, not personally me, but my younger brother had done such a blunder in lower classes.

Oh, now that I realise, I did that once too, in graduation days. I saw the datesheet once, and being too confident about my memory, went to give the exam, found out, the exam was of some other subject (felt screwed), but thank god, it wasn't final examination. So eventually, I reduced that trust of mine on my superhuman memory and now I check, check, recheck, important schedules. :D

Ashraf said...

I guess i m not alone...although i have one more ridiculous incident to share....will do that in due time

Thanks for sharing ur thoughts