Friday 5 December 2008

Would you die for me?

Would you die for me?
Asked a friend
May be...would you?

Would you die for me?
Asked a muse to her creator
A pause…I guess so

Would you die for me?
Asked a beloved to her lover
Yes of course. Darling, what about you?

Would you die for me?
Asked a prophet to his follower
If that is your wish

Would you die for me?
Asked a child to his mother
Silence…and she cried


Anonymous said...

Very thoughtful and intense. Really liked it.

Mona said...

She nearly did already, when she gave birth to him!

Ashraf said...

Thanks Cuckoo

Yes Mona, U r absolutely right

indicaspecies said...

This is so...touching!
You struck a chord in me.